Sunday, October 7, 2012

Over the Wall Exercise for Whole Body Conditioning/Rehab

Think about climbing over a fence when you were young.  When was the last time you did that?  Its actually a great whole body exercise!  Here's a great exercise that works the arms, core, legs and is sure to get your heart rate up!  Simply just find a half wall or a bench works well too.  Place your hands on the bench and supporting your weight with your arms jump over the bench.  Land w/ knees bent and do not let hands leave bench.  Go back and forth for desired reps and sets.  If you do have half wall as seen in picture, simply climb up and over and repeat for reps and sets.  I use this often in my shoulder and knee rehab when the patient is past the acute and subacute phases of tissue healing and is ready to progress to more advanced ex to prepare them to return to work or sport.  Construction workers, police, military and fire personnel all climb and jump over things.  So, I need to prepare them and make sure they are ready to go and confident in their physical abilities.  This in essence is truly functional training/rehab.  Using the bench is an easy alternative and less demanding for those not ready or able to climb a wall.  I always try to think of all the ways my pts will utilize their bodies in their sport, work or recreational activities and progress them to activities and movement that replicate that.
Get Strong! Stay Strong!

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